The Reason to watch your sugar intake

Guess which decade the average person consumed 180 lbs of sugar annually.  The 1800’s,  1900’s  or the 2000’s.  If you guessed the new 2000 you are right?

The huge increase of sweeteners doubled in just a decade from 90 lbs to 180 lbs per person is due in part to the to the invention of High Fructose Corn Syrup. The food and beverage manufactures realized in 1970 that High Fructose Corn Syrup was cheaper and sweeter than sugar so of course they put it in not only foods that customarily used sweeteners such as sodas but also foods that do not customarily use sweeteners.

At about the same time, the industrialized food manufacturers started to create designer foods.  Industrialized food processors learned adding sweeteners makes food taste better. And if food taste better then people will be more likely to purchase it.

Partially true. The food industry has conditioned us to like the taste sweetened foods because sweeteners are somewhat addictive. So we get conditioned. I‘ve proved that this is true because I don’t sweeten any of my food at all.

Anyhow, the race to sweeten food began which has created detrimental health problems in children and adults alike.

Today, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website (1) a shocking 35% of Americans over 20 years old are obese and at the same time another 69% of the Americans over 20 years old are overweight.

I use to look at overwight people and think to myself that they are eating too much “this is why they are obese” but as I did more research I learned that there is more to the story and one of the main cause of obesiety in humans is due to sugar.  Think about his for a few minutes.  If you look at children who are aslo suseptible to sugar obesiety, they statistically more active than adults and they are getting play time exercise but as you look around, they are increasing in weight to.

There are many types of sugars

I signaled out HFC but there are many different types of sugars that the industrialized food manufacturers can blend into your favorite packaged or canned food.  The include:High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFC) >>> glucose and fructose

  • Ethanol
  • Sugar alcohols like xylitol, sorbital, maltitol
  • Sucralose (splenda) is not a sugar but a sweetener
  • Agava Syrup
  • Stevia

Sugar causes the additional problems in our bodies:

  • Sugar can suppress your immune system
  • Sugar can weaken eyesight
  • Sugar can cause food allergies
  • Sugar feeds cancer cells

Where is sugar and sweetners found in food? Everywhere:

I am blown away where you can find sugar…

  • In Ketchup
  • In Mayonnaise
  • In BBQ sauce
  • In Soda’s obviously
  • In sandwich bread
  • Pretzels
  • in types of crackers

Someone told me once that the most dangerous place to shop in a grocery store is in the center of the store. Why because this is where all the processed food is kept.

How to decrease your sugar intake:

Read labels and non-processed foods.

If enough people stop consuming sugar laden foods, maybe the food factories will start creating better foods that are healthier and fresher and less processed.

More importantly, you will feel better, loose weight caused by sugar obesiety and look better.  In my next post, I will discuss the “fat diet” and how you can loose wight by eating the right foods.  If you don’t believe that sugar cause weight gain, I will explain the science here.

