Eat real food

Food as Medicine

You may have heard the phrase that food is medicine.  Food is medicine and we notice this based on how we feel after we eat.  Sometimes we may feel bloated, sometimes we may regret eating something and other times we may have feel sick.  In this case the food makes us feel ill and chances are we won’t eat those foods again.  Alternatively, when we eat foods that make us feel refreshed, foods that give us energy these are examples of foods that make us feel great and in general, this is food that is medicine.

I look at food as medicine in most cases except on weekends where I will treat myself to foods that I know are not so good for me like desserts and alcoholic beverages.  If you are new to this concept or not so new, the easiest way to get started is to read the labels on the food.  If you can read all the ingredients, then the food is generally ok.  If you can’t read any one of the ingredients, stay away.  The process food industry as defined by any food manufacturer the makes food that comes packaged in a plastic wrapper, comes in a box or a bag is processed.  And the food processors know how to make their food addictive and hard to resist without regard to nutrition and health benefits.

Stick with ingredients that you can read and you are familiar with except sugar and forms of sugar such as High Fructose Corn Syrup.  There are several reasons why I want you to stay away from sugar and sugar alternatives and I will be posting a story just about sugar soon.  But in general, sugar is one of the reasons why we get sick and sugar is one of the is in everything.  An example is Ketchup.  Real Ketchup does not need to have sugar but some brands use sugar or sugar alternatives in their ingredients.

We get sick from sugar because it weakens your immune system.  If Sugar has to be in the list of ingredients and you can not find an alternate brand without sugar then make sure it is listed as one of the last ingredients.  An example is Ketchup.  Real Ketchup does not need to have sugar but some brands use sugar or sugar alternatives in their ingredients.

Another strategy is to purchase foods as close to their original source as possible.  For example, vegetables and fruit and generally anything on the outside isles of the grocery store.  All the interior isles are process foods such as sodas, cheese puffs, frozen dinners, and pre-mixed boxed foods such as cake mixes.

I realize that making your own food is tough and time consuming.  I get that.  But stay away from using microwaves to cook your food.  Good food can not be rushed but good food does not have to take  along time too cook either.